*Essentials of Safety: 10-Hour & 30-Hour Spanish Construction Industry Trainee Packages are available after purchasing the Spanish Essentials of Safety Trainer Package.
*Essentials of Safety: Update Service is available after purchasing the Essentials of Safety Trainer Package.
If you need to train a Spanish OSHA 10- or 30-hour Construction course, there is no better tool than the Essentials of Safety training system. Mancomm’s state-of-the-art is now available in Spanish. A complete 10- and 30-hour Construction training system with quizzes, slides, trainer notes and more. After several years of working with construction industry experts, safety profesionals and academics alike, we have put together the most complete and easy-to-use training system for Spanish-speaking trainees.
With Mancomm’s Spanish EOS: Construction System you will have everything you need to conduct a 10-Hour or 30-Hour class right out of the box!
The following resources are included in Mancomm’s Spanish Essentials of Safety: Construction Instructor Package:
• Essentials of Safety Manual Volumes I and II: Loose-leaf in three-ring binder with tabs
• Essentials of Safety: Instructor Notes
• Essentials of Safety: Student Workbook for Construction
• Essentials of Safety: Power Point Presentation on USB Volumes I and II
• Sample Completion Certificate and Certificate Holder
• Mancomm Note Pad and Pen/Highlighter
OSHA’s 10-Hour Training is intended to provide entry level construction workers with information about their rights, employer responsibilities, and how to file a complaint, as well as how to identify, abate, avoid and prevent job related hazards. Mancomm’s Spanish EOS Construction Manual Volume I goes above and beyond OSHA’s training requirements by including all elective topics in addition to the required topics.
The following topics are covered in Mancomm’s Spanish EOS: Construction
10-Horas+ Materiales del Curso
1 - Introducción a OSHA™ 1
2 - Fundamentos del Entrenamiento 21
3 - Disposiciones Generales de Seguridad y Salud 33
4 - Protección Contra Caídas 43
5 - Peligros de Electrocución 67
6 - Peligros de - Atrapado en o Entre 89
7 - Peligros de Impacto 103
8 - Equipo de Protección Personal (EPP) 119
9 - Peligros para la Salud en la Construcción 147
10 - Comunicación de Peligros, Parte 1 171
11 - Grúas y Cabrias 189
12 - Excavaciónes 209
13 - Manejo y Almacenaje de Materiales 223
14 - Andamios 233
15 - Escaleras y Escalones 243
16 - Herramientas 253
17 - Concreto y Construcción de Albañilería 265
18 - Entrada a Espacios Confinados 275
19 - Protección y Prevención de Incendios 301
30-Horas+ Materiales del Curso
20 - Erección de Acero 309
21 - Corte y Soldadura 321
22 - Vehículos de Motor 335
23 - Vehículos Industriales Motorizados 345
24 - Pancarta DDT 361
25 - Eléctrico 365
26 - Bloqueo/Etiquetado 385
27 - Señales/Etiquetas 397
28 - Comunicación de Peligros, Parte 2 401
29 - Operaciones de Residuos Peligrosos y Respuesta a Emergencia (HAZWOPER) 441
30 - Ergonomía 449
31 - Programa de Seguridad y Salud 459
32 - Higiene Industrial 485
33 - Mantenimiento de Registros y Presentación de Informes 493
34 - Acceso a la Exposición de los Empleados y Registros Médicos 517
35 - Inspecciones, Citaciones y Sanciones 525
36 - Patógenos Transmitidos por la Sangre 539
37 - Foro Abierto 555
38 - Créditos 557
Índice - 559
*For bulk pricing, please contact Mancomm customer support at 1-877-626-2666*