EOS Construction Package (Trainee Package) Vol. I + Vol. II + Workbook (meets 30 hour criteria) 2022

UPC: 688550609029
SKU: 38K-103-08
GTIN: 688550609029

*Essentials of Safety: 10-Hour & 30-Hour Construction Industry Trainee Packages are available after purchasing the Essentials of Safety Trainer Package. 

*Essentials of  Safety: Update Service is available after purchasing the Essentials of Safety Trainer Package.

The highly anticipated and most complete OSHA 10-Hour and 30-Hour Construction Training Management System in history is now complete and ready to ship immediately. After years of research, editing, designing, and review by construction industry experts, safety professionals, and academics alike, Mancomm is extremely proud to present the Essentials of Safety: Construction Training Management System to you and the rest of the safety community.

If you need to provide OSHA 10-Hour or 30-Hour Training* to your employees, clients, or students to meet the training requirements of employers, unions, and various state and local jurisdictions--Mancomm's Essentials of Safety: Construction Training Management System is your stress-free solution. The Essentials of Safety product line has been field proven by training thousands of people nationwide so you can rest assured that your trainees will be receiving the best OSHA safety training available, period.

With Mancomm's EOS: Construction System you will have everything you need to conduct a 10-Hour or 30-Hour class right out of the box!

The following resources are included in Mancomm's Essentials of Safety: Construction Instructor Package:

• Essentials of Safety Manual Volumes I and II: Loose-leaf in three-ring binder with tabs
• Essentials of Safety: Instructor Notes
• Essentials of Safety: Student Workbook for Construction
• Essentials of Safety: Power Point Presentation on USB Volumes I and II
• Sample Completion Certificate and Certificate Holder
• Mancomm Note Pad and Pen/Highlighter

OSHA's 10-Hour Training is intended to provide entry level construction workers with information about their rights, employer responsibilities, and how to file a complaint, as well as how to identify, abate, avoid and prevent job related hazards. Mancomm's EOS Construction Manual Volume I goes above and beyond OSHA's training requirements by including all elective topics in addition to the required topics.

The following topics are covered in Mancomm's EOS: Construction

Volume I (252 pages):

• Module One - Introduction to OSHA
• Module Two - RegLogic CFR™
• Module Three - General Safety and Health
• Module Four - Focus Four Topic 1 - Fall Protection
• Module Five - Focus Four Topic 2 - Electrocution Hazards
• Module Six - Focus Four Topic 3 - Caught-in or-Between Hazards
• Module Seven - Focus Four Topic 4 - Struck-by Hazards
• Module Eight - Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
• Module Nine - Health Hazards in Construction
• Module Ten - HazCom
• Module Eleven - Cranes and Derricks
• Module Twelve - Excavations
• Module Thirteen - Materials Handling and Storage
• Module Fourteen - Scaffolds
• Module Fifteen - Stairways and Ladders
• Module Sixteen - Tools
• Module Seventeen - Concrete and Masonry Construction
• Module Eighteen - Confined Space Entry
• Module Nineteen - Fire Protection and Prevention

The following topics are covered in Mancomm’s EOS: Construction

Volume II (178 pages):

• Module Twenty - Steel Erection
• Module Twenty-One - Welding and Cutting
• Module Twenty-Two - Motor Vehicles
• Module Twenty-Three - Powered Industrial Trucks
• Module Twenty-Four - DOT Placarding
• Module Twenty-Seven - Signs / Tags
• Module Twenty-Eight - HazCom 2
• Module Twenty-Nine - Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER)
• Module Thirty - Ergonomics
• Module Thirty-One - Safety and Health Programs
• Module Thirty-Two - Assessing Safety and Health Programs
• Module Thirty-Three - Industrial Hygiene
• Module Thirty-Four - Recordkeeping
• Module Thirty-Five - Medical Records
• Module Thirty-Six - Inspections, Citations, and Penalties
• Module Thirty-Seven - Bloodborne Pathogens

*For bulk pricing, please contact Mancomm customer support at 1-877-626-2666*

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